The parody of the misuse of words
The mechanics of the English language can sometimes leave you reeling, your or you’re, advice or advise – we’ve put together a list of the most common words that are often used incorrectly, so you can get it right.
The mechanics of the English language can sometimes leave you reeling, your or you’re, advice or advise – we’ve put together a list of the most common words that are often used incorrectly, so you can get it right.
Clear, concise and correctly spelled text is an instant hit with anyone reading your copy. One spelling mistake can be forgiven but more than that isn’t very impressive.
Often forgotten and overlooked, the links within your website copy might seem like a trivial thing, but how frustrated do you get when you click a link and it doesn’t go anywhere?
Mind-numbing copy won’t get people buying your product, so how do you get them interested? Pure and simple – tell the truth, but make the truth fascinating.
As it’s Friday we thought we’d give you a few brain teasers to get you thinking. P.S. kids get these within seconds, it takes adults a little longer!
Parallax scrolling – the latest trend in website design, has grown in popularity over the last five years and is anticipated to be the ‘new wave’ of website creativity, to help businesses better engage with their customers and improve the overall experience that a website provides.
As with any project, whether it’s for software development or designing a new website, having a good specification or plan of what you want to achieve is the key to success.
You don’t need me to tell you that when we read something funny or happy, it also makes us feel happy too! This is the method you should use to communicate with your customers, nurturing a positive mindset towards your business which will in turn lead to increased sales for you.
Whether you are a brand-new start-up or an established organisation now is the time to capitalise on today’s contemporary technology if you want to be competitive.
The top rule in Marketing is to get someone else to proofread your work before you use it. Unfortunately, some businesses didn’t use this concept when designing their marketing campaigns. Here’s a few promotions that made us chuckle: